Wallex Bags Feefo Platinum Trusted Service Award 2023 for Exceptional Service

1 min read

We're thrilled to announce that Wallex is now a proud winner of the Feefo Platinum Trusted Service Award 2023!

At Wallex, we put our customers at the heart of everything we do, and strive to deliver a bespoke service to our customers while pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. That is why we’re honoured to receive this award — a testament to our unwavering commitment and representation of our hard work.

The Feefo Trusted Service Award is a highly respectable achievement in our industry, presented only to companies that deliver exceptional experiences to their customers.

Our dedication to proactively seek feedback from our customers has been a key component of our journey. It’s the foundation of the insights and wisdom we needed to deliver exceptional customer service.

These comments include;

(1) "Prompt and efficient service, I am highly satisfied with the service of the Wallex team. The feedback is very quick and helpful";

(2) "Professional and attentive as everything went as promised"; and

(3) “I started using Wallex instead of bank transfers for making payments overseas. It’s really easy, user-friendly and it’s a fast process”.

As much honour as the award gave us, doing right by our customers is what fuels us. We're grateful that our efforts are making a real difference.

We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our customers who have helped make this recognition possible. It's through your support and trust in our products and services that made this milestone possible.

We're excited to continue delivering the best for our customers and making cross-border payments seamless and hassle-free for businesses. Thank you again for your continued support and partnership with us.

Here's to many more years of delivering exceptional customer service!

To read reviews of Wallex's award-winning customer service, click here.

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