Providing equal opportunities for learning and development has enabled more women to take on management roles in the company. 50% of our senior management team in Singapore are women. Wallex has also normalised flexible working arrangements for employees to balance their family and work life well.
It is important to keep track of your company's cash inflows and outflows. Through recording cash flow statements, you can analyse what to change in your business strategy and operations. Here are some tips to improve your cash flow.
M-DAQ, a leading Singapore-based fintech company today entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Wallex, a B2B cross-border payments provider with licenses in Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Singapore.
Accounting tools help your business plan better. These include online tools for invoice processing, accounts payable, payroll, expenditures and even cash flow forecasting. Below, we summarise the top accounting tools that will help your business grow.
In this guide, we share tips on setting up your business for growth, optimising your finance function, scaling up your business with resource efficiency and the main considerations when selecting the best payment channel for you.
Supporting small-medium businesses is our primary mission at Wallex, so we are glad to connect with Quals. Quals works passionately to support small-medium businesses in the region to scale up.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between Wallex, our Fintech platform, and traditional banks in Singapore. Here are the factors to consider when choosing between a FinTech platform or Bank. Let’s dive in.
Take note of the following information with regards to other global currency holidays in February. These holidays may impact completion times for some foreign currency conversions.
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