December 2021 Currency Holiday

1 min read

Use this information to determine global currency holidays. These holidays may impact completion times for some foreign currency conversions.

Transactions made on these dates in the mentioned currencies will be processed on the next working day.

  • THB (Thai Baht): 10, 31 December
  • SGD (Singapore Dollar): 27 December 2021
  • IDR (Indonesian Rupiah): 27 December 2021
  • HKD (Hong Kong Dollar): 27 December 2021
  • GBP (British Pound sterling): 27, 28 December 2021
  • NZD (New Zealand Dollar): 27, 28 December 2021
  • AUD (Australian Dollar): 27, 28 December 2021
  • CAD (Canadian Dollar): 27, 28 December 2021
  • JPY (Japanese Yen): 31 December 2021

Do take these delays into consideration when planning your transactions.

Should you have any questions in relation to this or require any further information, please contact the or visit our website

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